Medrad Spectris Solaris EP MR Injection System

The world's leading MR power injection system with Enhanced Performance capabilities, 3,0 T compatability and uncompromised ease of use with even more flexibility than before..

ask about product: Medrad Spectris Solaris EP MR Injection System
  • 3.0T compatibility: even when placed right next to the bore of the magnet
  • Enhanced Power Management: the integrated continuous battery charger (iCBC) allows you to plug the system into any available outlet
  • Pressure Limit Control: preset pressure limits provide enhanced control for clinicians when using additional patient access tubing like Power PICC and central lines
  • Off-Floor Mobile Unit: Design means it is easy to store flush against the wall

Simple to Use

  • Six user-programmable phases for added flexibility
  • Color touch-screen optimized to reduce system setup
  • Independent "keep vein open" (KVO) rate provides greater automation of injection process